Monday, August 3, 2009

Wet Morning

There was a heavy mist this morning. It was almost enough to wash the protective sulfur dust from the leaves. Right now, the sun is out and the temperature is in the mid-70's. No wind... perfect.

In the next week or so, I expect to see the beginning of veraison - the changing of the color. Once the color changes, we'll be done with using sulfur to protect against powdery mildew. After veraison, the vine is not susceptible.

Probably our last application for mildew will be stylet oil, an organic material that also acts as a treatment for mites. Last year, the mites were having a grand old time on the vines. Their feeding turns the leaves a bronze color and reduces photosynthesis. This year, our budbreak was about a week later than last year, so we've got to do everything we can to move the ripening along at a good clip.


  1. Wow! I love when the leaves change color. Do you think you'll have late harvest this year?

  2. We don't want the leaves to change color 'til early November!
    Now, you used "late" and "harvest" in the same sentence... The Federal TTB will not let me do that in reference to my wines unless I print the residual sugar level on the label! They consider the use of those two words to mean that it is a dessert wine! So... it won't be a "late harvest". We may pick later than last year. Today, August 5th, marks the first sign of veraison. I'll check my calendar from last year to see where we are. Seems like we may be catching up!

  3. Ok that's what you were talking about during the taping of your new (DRUMROLL) VIDEO BLOG! I'M SO EXCITED!
