Thursday, December 17, 2009

Steel Drum Memories

After a week on Antigua, I spent a week on Sint Maarten. The two islands are very different! On Antigua, we were right on a splendid beach, with jungle transitioning to sand transitioning to azure seas. On St. Maarten, we were in 4-star accommodations overlooking Simpson Bay, with a "Las Vegas"-style skyline on the far shore. Antigua, the more primitive of the two, is more expensive; St. Maarten is cheaper than the U.S. for many things!

At retail, wines from California were overpriced in general (K-J California Pinot: $40), and French wines were less expensive. BUT... on a restaurant wine list, I was able to find a Pinot scoring 90 pts (WS) from Oregon for under $140, while those comparably scored from France were $395 to $2830. California Pinots scoring 85 to 87 were priced at $50-$80. The French bottle for $2830 was Chateau Petrus, which scored 90 pts. Just goes to show what a name can command!

We took a day trip from St. Maarten to the island of Saba (pronounced: Say-ba). Saba is a 5-square-mile volcanic rock: no beaches, just cliffs plunging into the sea. In the middle of Saba, which is inhabited by a mere 1400 people, is a Medical School - the main economic engine of the island. Surrounding the island to a depth of 200 feet is a marine preserve. Below the water's surface lie some of the world's most beautiful, pristine coral reefs. Diving with "Saba Deep", we encountered a profusion of colorful sponges, coral, fish, eels, lobsters, molluscs, turtles... Truly a spectacular dive destination! After our second dive, we rushed back to the harbor to catch the waiting afternoon ferry, knowing that we would someday return.

I got back to rainy California this past Saturday, arriving at my home around midnight. On the drive home, as I passed the Loomis house, the light was on at the barn, indicating that the bar was open. After unloading my luggage at home, I returned to the barn, where a party was in full swing. They were celebrating the graduation of a law enforcement class including Park Rangers, Coast Guard, FBI and Police. I discreetly savored a Cuban cigar and a single malt Scotch while thinking back fondly on my Caribbean travels.

I wonder where I'll be next year after crush...

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